
Islam Advocates Sustainable Living

In this article the writer, a passionate sustainability warrior emphasizes on living a sustainable life style.

As always one day I was telling my daughter how sustainable our lives used to be during our childhood. There was hardly any plastic used. We would consume water from huge cement tanks and carry lunch in a steel box, unlike the current practice of carrying plastic water bottles. Almost everything used to be in glass bottles, earthenware pots, wooden or steel cutlery, and utensils. Almost everything used to be either fully biodegradable or fully reusable. Housing started with thatched houses made of leaves which gradually got replaced with concrete independent houses. Joint families reduced the demand for too many houses and one man’s earnings would take care of the entire family.

Fast forward now where almost every person from a nuclear family aspires to have not one, but more than one house and car. We would use public transport like train or bus, car was a luxury owned by the few rich. Now even those close to the low-income earners own assets that once used to be called luxury. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was meaningful and applicable with clear distinctions in the basic, luxury, and social needs. It has completely lost its relevance now. 

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My daughter questioned, “If you and all those who belong to your generation lived a sustainable lifestyle, then why is the state of the planet today like this? Most parents belong to your generation ma, and most of the damage is being done by none other than those older than us. This response left me thinking!

With each passing year, human greed has been taking an upward trend, and the density and stretch of green cover on the earth have been taking a downward trend. 

Islam as a religion and the Holy Quran strongly advocate the conservation of the environment. They condemn irresponsible attitudes and wasteful habits of consumers. The practice of moderation is emphasized in many places; moderation is not only in consumption but in all other actions as well. 

In Surah Al A’nam verse 141, it is stated,

He is the One Who produces gardens—both cultivated and wild—and palm trees, crops of different flavours, olives, and pomegranates—similar ‘in shape’, but dissimilar ‘in taste’. Eat of the fruit they bear and pay the dues at harvest, but do not waste. Surely, He does not like the wasteful.

In Surah Al A’raf verse 31 it is stated,

O Children of Adam! Dress properly whenever you are at worship. Eat and drink, but do not waste. Surely, He does not like the wasteful.

Our lifestyle and habits can have a positive or negative impact on the environment. Different types of pollution are the negative impacts of non-eco-friendly or unsustainable lifestyles and habits. 

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability is the ability to conserve natural resources and safeguard all the ecosystems on earth for the health and well-being of all living beings. This has also been strongly advocated in the Holy Quran.

Related: Connection between Quran and nature

It is not only easy but also economical to live a sustainable lifestyle. I strongly believe that what comes from earth must go back to earth, and anything that comes from the earth, meaning anything that’s natural does not normally cause damage to us. On the contrary, it is most beneficial to us. 

All major decisions on conserving our natural wealth lie in the hands of government authorities. If they genuinely intend to safeguard the planet they can, not only bring about the change at a systemic level across nations but also change the attitude of the masses towards the planet, through sustainable practices and policies. Sadly, this agenda is only on paper. Nonetheless, we the earth bearers don’t need to wait for big changes to happen or expect authorities to be the change agents. Each of us has ownership of our planet. Allah SWT has entrusted this responsibility to each one of us.  Allah bestowed upon us this magnificent earth, adorned it with a multitude of assets, and appointed us as guardians to take care of His wealth. What contribution can we individuals make, as part of our responsibility as guardians?

Here are a few of the several ways. 

1. Grow your greens 


It is a well-known fact that the food that comes to our plates is loaded with chemicals and synthetic ingredients. Ask a home gardener about the excitement of harvesting a single tomato or brinjal. 

No matter what the size of the house, independent or apartment, one must try to grow whatever possible in the space owned. The presence of even one small plant in a room can make a big difference to its aesthetics.

2. Make your own cleaners


We are surrounded by chemicals in every aspect of our lives. Making organic cleaners at home can help cut down on the use of chemical cleaners like harpic, domex, lysol etc. that are unsafe for our health, our homes, and our planet.

3. Walk or cycle not drive


Cycling or walking for short distances and carpooling for long distances will not only control some pollution from our side but also keep us fit.

4. Use eco-friendly products at home

We are living in the world of plastics that might end the world if not controlled. Most of the products at home can be replaced by organic products that are sustainable. From paper pencils and pens, wooden brushes, and combs to almost every little item at home can be organic ones, that are bio-degradable.

5. Conserve water, and power

Water and power are resources that cannot be wasted. Each one of us must be mindful of their usage, and consciously try to conserve them. Control leakages, and use renewable energy sources.

6. Live a frugal lifestyle

Our lifestyle should be one that is frugal in every way. Right from our clothes and use of gadgets, if we focus on essentials, it will not lead to unnecessary purchases. 

Weddings and all functions can be made humble without being extravagant.

7. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


As far as possible we must try and reduce the use of non-biodegradable material at home. 

Try as much as possible to reuse every bit of waste that is generated at home. Waste containers can become good planters to grow plants at home. 

Anything recyclable should be forwarded to the concerned authorities. 

8. Have pollution-free travels

Walking or cycling for short distances and public transport can bring down the consumption of fuel and reduce pollution. Carpooling to offices and schools can make some positive difference in the environment. 

9. Eco-friendly gifting

Try to choose plants or sustainable products for gifting. Wrapping with colored plastic gift wraps can reduce plastic in a big way. 

10. Continue the green gene 

Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children. Making the children planet lovers and plant lovers is also a responsibility of the parents. Parents must strive to include the planet and nature in their conversations during family. Parents must substitute their children’s entertainment trips to malls and theatres with outdoor visits, and in these trips, they must consciously encourage their children to ponder upon the creations appreciating creations and their importance in our lives. 

These are just a few ways to live a sustainable life. Every individual and household should try and become a change agent by adopting one or more sustainable practices, at home. 

Written by Sahera Jamal

Sahera is a mother of two and a freelance soft skills & spoken English trainer from Hyderabad. Sahera Jamal runs an initiative called GardenYaar to spread awareness for green and sustainability in people, mainly children. She can be reached at [email protected] / [email protected].

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