
Best Islamic Quotes For WhatsApp Status in English

In this article, you can find a good range of Islamic quotes that can be used as your WhatsApp Status. The quotes can be found on various topics including patience, love, life, and forgiveness.

Have you been searching for the best Islamic quotes for WhatsApp status? Tired of searching for a good image that can be used as a status but couldn’t find any? If yes, then IslamKaZikr is the one-stop destination for you! We’ve created some lovely images for WhatsApp about Islamic lines in English that can serve as reminders of Islamic values and principles, encouraging positive actions, gratitude, and self-reflection. Feel free to share these messages on WhatsApp to inspire and motivate others on their spiritual journey.

Best Short Islamic Quotes For WhatsApp Status

Below are some of the quotes with beautiful teachings in Islam. Download these images and keep them as your status!

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When we search for WhatsApp status about Allah in English, Remember Allah in times of ease, and He will remember you in times of difficulty is my personal favorite Islamic reminder. As this quote highlights the importance of maintaining a strong connection with Allah SWT. When things are going well in our day-to-day lives and we find ourselves in a state of ease and comfort, it’s crucial to remember Allah SWT and express gratitude for His blessings.

Remember Allah in times of ease - Whatsapp about Allah in English

My other favorite Islamic status for Whatsapp in English is – Have faith in Allah’s plan, for He knows what is best for you.

This is truly a powerful reminder for believers to trust in the wisdom and guidance of Allah SWT.

We often face situations where we may not understand the reasons behind certain events or circumstances. In such moments, it is essential to have faith and believe that Allah, being All-Knowing and All-Wise, has a greater understanding of what is best for us.

Allah says in the Qur’an 3:54,

And they [i.e., the disbelievers] planned, but Allāh planned. And Allāh is the best of planners.

Have faith in Allah's plan - Islamic about for WhatsApp in English

And He found you lost and guided you

When Allah loves

Patience is a beautiful virtue

Allah does not burden a soul beyoung what it can bear

and whoever fears Allah


the strongest among you is the one

Prayer is the key to heaven

Be grateful for the blessings you have

Quotes on patience (sabr)

Download – Sabr

Islamic quotes on life

Download – Obligated? Pray

Hazrat Ali (RA) quotes - see the bad inside yourself

Download – Hazrat Ali (RA) sayings

Benefits Of Uploading Islamic Quotes For WhatsApp Status

One of the best benefits is that Islamic quotes can serve as daily reminders of Islamic teachings and principles. They can help Muslims stay connected to their faith and inspire them to lead a righteous life.

Moreover, uploading Quotes & images on status has other good benefits such as gaining good deeds! Just imagine, you’ve uploaded an Islamic status today, and someone reads it from your WhatsApp contact list.

What happens next? Well, you gain rewards for it abundantly! You could even change the character & life of the person who viewed your status which has good messages/teachings of Islam.

Example – Let’s say you’ve uploaded some really good Islamic status for WhatsApp in English, like a Quote on Hadith about good character, manners, or Dua for humanity. If anyone from your contacts read and followed this Hadith, then Insha Allah you’ll be rewarded for that. You will also be rewarded if the status is forwarded to other groups.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said,

“Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence”

– [Sahih al-Bukhari 3461]

So let’s grab this fantastic opportunity and download/share these Islamic quotes in English for WhatsApp status today!

We will keep this page updated with new images on a regular basis. So you may come back and check for new images to upload on your WhatsApp status. You may even check for more Islamic Quotes that we’ve shared previously. You can also check our list of Islamic quotes & images that can be used for Islamic WhatsApp DP.

Written by Mohammed Saadullah Khan

Chief Editor at the IslamKaZikr. Saad is involved in writing and publishing Islamic content with the aim to please Allah SWT and seek His blessings.

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