
Rabbi Zidni Ilma Dua Meaning in English Translation

In this article, you will learn the meaning of Rabbi Zidni Ilma Dua in English. The Dua can be found in the Qur’an in Surah Taha, verse number 114.

Would you like to learn a powerful Dua that can help you increase in knowledge? The ever-growing knowledge regarding Islamic perspective or worldly knowledge to educate our community. Rabbi Zidni Ilma is a short Dua that is easy to memorize and pronounce.

Rabbi Zidni Ilma Meaning - Dua For Knowledge

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Here’s how you pronounce it…

Rabbi zidni ilma

Meaning of Rabbi Zidni Ilma in English Translation

My Lord, increase me in knowledge

Download an attractive printable of this Dua here. This can be a great gift to your child.

This Dua is from Surah Taha, verse number 114. The translation can be seen below:

So high [above all] is Allah, the Sovereign, the Truth. And, [O Muḥammad], do not hasten with [recitation of] the Qur’ān before its revelation is completed to you, and say, “My Lord, increase me in knowledge.”

Let me share my personal experience with Dua Rabbi Zidni Ilma.

Honestly, my exam days were no less than a miracle for me. I remember those days when I used to recite the Dua for exam success along with Darood and Rabbi Zidni Ilman. Alhamdulillah, my mother helped me out with the proper guidance of reciting Duas and Darood during examinations. I used to recite the Dua abundantly with faith in Allah (SWT) and ask Allah’s help to guide me and increase me in knowledge.

Believe me, the result which I achieved was extremely surprising for me. Since then, I used to recite it regularly and recommend others as well. Alhamdulillah for that!

You can benefit by reciting this Dua as well. You just need to keep faith in Allah (SWT).

Recite Rabbi Zidni Ilman Dua as much as you want in order to increase all sources of all knowledge (including Deen and Duniya).

Written by Mohammed Saadullah Khan

Chief Editor at the IslamKaZikr. Saad is involved in writing and publishing Islamic content with the aim to please Allah SWT and seek His blessings.

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